Have you noticed people holding their breaths or rubbing their noses in your presence? Do they then shy away from you? Read on.
Everybody perspires, some more than others. However, with so many options in the market, there is just no reason for you to subject others to your b.o. and thus invite criticism or sniggers. Here's what you can do.
Everybody perspires, some more than others. However, with so many options in the market, there is just no reason for you to subject others to your b.o. and thus invite criticism or sniggers. Here's what you can do.
Wash your clothes everyday. Never repeat the same outfit without washing it first. Body odour always lingers on clothes, and even it you cannot smell the odour at once, other may be able to, especially when it comes into contact with fresh perspiration. This is especially true in the winter. People often don't wash their clothes regularly in the winter and in cold climes since they feel that they hardly perspire at all. In any case, when wearing layers of clothes one feels that there is little chance of any lingering smell. After all, the last thing you would expect to have a smell is your jacket, since it is worn above clothes. But it does smell, so make sure you wash all your clothes, sweaters and undergarments regularly even in the winter. In any case any garment that comes in direct contact with your skin should be washed when you remove it, if you have worn it for an extended period of time during the day.
Wearing something sleeveless only makes the smell more pronounced. Try to wear a shirt with sleeves as often as possible.
Make it a point to wear an antiperspirant everyday before stepping out. For some people, roll-ons work the best. Cover your entire underarm area with the roll-on. If you tend to sweat a lot, carry the roll-on with you and apply it again during the course of the day. Alternatively, carry a deodorant spray with you and spray your underarms and clothes a couple of times during the day. There is absolutely no reason for you to smell bad.
Home remedies
Some people swear by vinegar as an effective home remedy for underarm odour. Dilute a little vinegar in water, dip a cotton swab in it, and roll over the underarm area. Try this and see if it works for you. However, don't apply vinegar on freshly shaved skin as it may sting. If you are apprehensive about using an antiperspirant everyday because of rumours linking it with causing breast cancer, vinegar could be an alternative. Certain research suggests that regular use of antiperspirants could cause cancer, while other studies and the companies manufacturing these products dismiss such findings as rubbish. But there are many people who would rather give their bodies a break from antiperspirants every now and again. If you too prefer home remedies to artificial and chemical alternatives, even though they may not necessarily be harmful, you could try applying diluted vinegar and see if it cuts odour.
You could also try diluting baking soda (not baking powder) with water and rubbing it on to your underarm region. Adjust the quantity of baking soda according to your needs.
Difference between antiperspirants and deodorants
Do you want to smell good, or feel dry, is the question you need to ask yourself when selecting either a deo or an antiperspirant.
As the name suggests, antiperspirants block pores and prevent the secretion of perspiration. Hence if there is no perspiration, there is no odour. This action gives rise of theories of health hazards of antiperspirants. Deodorants on the other hand contain antiseptic agents, which kill bacteria that cause odour.
Do you want to smell good, or feel dry, is the question you need to ask yourself when selecting either a deo or an antiperspirant.
As the name suggests, antiperspirants block pores and prevent the secretion of perspiration. Hence if there is no perspiration, there is no odour. This action gives rise of theories of health hazards of antiperspirants. Deodorants on the other hand contain antiseptic agents, which kill bacteria that cause odour.